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Southwater Neighbourhood Plan Logo green dinosaur

Southwater Neighbourhood Plan

All of the various stages of the development that led to the 'Made Plan' can be found on the offical website. 

Southwater Lintot Square Drone photo with trees and houses from birds eye view.

Want a Say on Your Neighbourhood Plan?

Neighbourhood Plan Review 2023

On the 23rd June 2021, Horsham District Council voted to 'make' the Southwater Neighbourhood Plan. Accordingly the Southwater Neighbourhood Plan now forms part of the development plan for the area and is being used to help determine planning applications. 

The Parish Council would like to thank everyone who has made it possible to get to this point. 


The plan can be downloaded below:

Southwater Infrastructure Delivery Plan

For more information on the Southwater Infrastructure Delivery Plan (SIDP), please click on the link below: 

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

Neighbourhood planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area. They are able to choose where they want new homes, shops and offices to be built, have their say on what those new buildings should look like and what infrastructure should be provided, and grant planning permission for the new buildings they want to see go ahead. Neighbourhood planning provides a powerful set of tools for local people to ensure that they get the right types of development for their community where the ambition of the neighbourhood is aligned with the strategic needs and priorities of the wider local area.

Neighbourhood planning is not a legal requirement but a right which communities in England can choose to use. Communities may decide that they could achieve the outcomes they want to see through other planning routes, such as incorporating their proposals for the neighbourhood into the Local Plan, or through other planning mechanisms such as Local Development Orders and supplementary planning documents or through pre-application consultation on development proposals. Communities and local planning authorities should discuss the different choices communities have to achieving their ambitions for their neighbourhood.

Here is plications by Horsham District Council Planning Offers and elected Councillors.

More information on neighbourhood planning can be found on the website click here.

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