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Councillor Surgery Postponed until 2 March 2024

Councillor Surgery Will Not Operate in February 2024 Due to a Public meeting at the Lardner Hall Regarding the HDC Local Plan Reg 19 Consultation

For more information please read below:

Southwater Parish Council (SPC) invites its residents to attend a meeting at 10am, Saturday 3rd February 2024, in Lardner Hall, The Ghyll, Pevensey Road, Southwater, RH13 9XZ to discuss Horsham District Council’s (HDC) Draft Local Plan Regulation 19 document for 2023-2040.

This is a great opportunity to meet with HDC’s Councillors for Southwater, where they will be on hand to answer your questions and hear your views on the recently published Regulation 19 Document which sets out its strategic planning strategy. This shows how it aims to meet the social, economic and environmental needs of the District.

QUESTIONS - We are requesting residents submit their questions in advance to or deliver written questions to SPC’s office in Beeson House, Lintot Square. Please note the cut-off date for questions will be Wednesday 24th January 2024.

The Government requires all local planning authorities to review the Local Plan every five years. It has set a target for the District of at least 911 new homes each year. However, this is likely to change in the Spring of 2024 due to a Government update to the calculation relating to housing affordability.

The Horsham District Draft Local Plan 2023-2040 sets out how the District will deliver these developments in a sustainable way, looking at new sites to try to minimise the effect on the environment and landscape. It is also developing policies to address the causes and potential impacts of climate change.

HDC Local Plan Consultation Period - This is a great opportunity for residents to have their say on the submission draft of the Local Plan (Regulation 19). The consultation period is open from Friday 19 January to Friday 1 March 2024. This is part of the statutory process to allow representation to be made on the Local Plan before it is submitted to the Secretary of State.

BE INFORMED – To read the Horsham District Council Draft Local Plan 2023 (Regulation 19) go to:

You can also find further information on all matters concerning the Local Plan at


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