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Did you know that we award small grants to organisations?

5 children and a middle aged lady standing next to a wooden pollination station that gives shelter and grows flowers and plants for insects.
Left to right – Castlewood School pupils with Carrie Cort CEO of Sussex Green Living

Southwater Parish Council recognises the hard work of the many local organisations that help improve and enhance the community and we are committed to supporting them.

These grants are payments made by the Parish Council to an organisation for a specific purpose to enhance and promote the wellbeing of the local community, either generally or for a specific purpose; and which is not directly controlled or administered by the Parish Council.

Organisations are eligible to apply for a Community Grant if they meet the criteria, for more information regarding our grants and how to apply, please visit:

SPC has awarded a grant of £250.00 to Sussex Green Living environmental charity in April, to help supply and install one of their wonderful pollination education stations at Castlewood School.


Regarding the installation of their PES stations, Carrie Cort, Sussex Green Living’s CEO said:

“This is a priority project for our charity, urgent action for nature is required as pollinators such as bees, wasps, butterflies, moths and bats are increasingly under threat from human activities”. She continues “Every third mouthful of food that we each is thanks to pollinators. Nearly 90% of the world’s wild flowering plant species depend, entirely, or at least in part, on animal pollination, along with more than 75% of the world’s food crops and 35% of global agricultural land. Not only do pollinators contribute directly to food security, but they are key to conserving biodiversity”


For more information about the work of this charity, please visit:


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