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FAQs answered regarding The All-Weather Football Pitch Planning Application

Updated: Jan 24

Southwater Ghyll CIO are holding an event at 12:00pm to 2:00pm, Saturday 1st February 2025 at the Lardner Hall, The Ghyll, Pevensey Road, Southwater, RH13 9XZ, where questions can be asked and discussed with the charity’s trustees.

Poster with blue and black text and a birds-eye view picture of a green football pitch.
Drop-In Session at The Ghyll

Southwater Parish Council has received various enquiries in relation to Southwater Ghyll CIO’s all-weather pitch project at The Ghyll and the planning application they have submitted.  Hence, we thought it would be helpful to provide answers to some of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) it has either received or observed.


Houses, trees and green area around the proposed football pitch.
Picture from S&C Slatter's Proposed Plan shared with their permission.


1.      Is Southwater Parish Council leading this project?

No, Southwater Ghyll Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) is leading this project where they have a licence for The Ghyll inclusive of the football pitches, play area, car parks, ancillary land and buildings (formerly known as Southwater Leisure Centre).


2.      Where would the funding come from for this project?

Subject to the Planning Application being approved by Horsham District Council, a section 106 application would also need to be submitted to Horsham District Council where Section 106 would be the funding source for the proposed development. For more information on Section 106 funding, please follow the links below:



3.      How would the cost of the future maintenance be covered?

The income generated from the booking of the proposed football pitch will cover the future maintenance costs.


4.      What about the noise pollution this project would bring?


The Noise Impact Assessment indicates that noise from the pitch is expected to be noticeable but not intrusive. Measures such as a 3.5m acoustic barrier are planned to mitigate noise levels. The predicted noise levels at nearby residential properties are below the threshold for moderate community annoyance set by the WHO guidelines.


5.      Have flood risks been assessed?

The planning application includes a flood risk assessment and surface water drainage statement where more information can be found via the Planning Application on the Planning Portal​.


6.      What impact of this project would have on the environment?

Due to the proximity to the site, negative impacts to the protected sites may be incurred as a result of the development. Mitigation to prevent impacts to protected sites is therefore outlined in Section 5 of the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal. (Available to view on the Planning Portal.)

Where the measures recommended are implemented and observed throughout construction, it is considered by the applicant that the development will not negatively impact protected sites. The proposal includes features to conserve and enhance biodiversity​.


Horsham District Council’s Environment Officer will review the planning application and proposed development as part of the Local Planning Authority planning process.

7.      What about the light pollution? The Lighting Impact Report states that the proposed floodlights are designed to comply with ILP Guidance for reducing obtrusive light, with measures taken to minimize spill light and glare. The area is classified as Environmental Zone E2 (rural with low district brightness), and appropriate lighting controls have been implemented​.

The Multi-Use-Games-Area (MUGA) at The Ghyll has floodlighting which has planning restrictions limiting use past 9:00pm, it is probable that Horsham District Council as the Local Planning Authority would apply similar restrictions if the planning application is permitted.

8.      Would the new pitch be available for public use as well? How would it work?

The pitch will be available to the public and the bookings would need to be made through The Ghyll, as per other facilities they manage.


9.      What are the covenant requirements for the land?


The key points regarding the covenants, as outlined in the 1986 Conveyance, are as follows:


1.      Permitted Use:  The land may only be used for community purposes and for a community centre with ancillary car parking.

2.      Building Restrictions: Buildings on the property must be ancillary to the permitted use described above.

3.      Transfer Restrictions: If the Parish Council were to sell or otherwise dispose of the property, it would first need to offer it back to the original vendor.


Following a review of the legal advice we have received; it has been determined that the proposed 3G pitch development does not breach these covenants.

Key points from the advice are:

·         The words “Community Centre” were to be construed in a general sense and could include a whole range of community activities or any one of them and more than one community facility can be constructed on the land.

·         The installation of the 3G pitch aligns with the covenant requirements as it promotes recreational and community purposes.

·         Although the pitch will be enclosed to protect the specialist surface, it will be used by football clubs, schools, and community groups, benefiting a broad range of users, including local residents.

·         Space will still remain available for informal recreation, such as picnics and casual play, ensuring that public access to the remaining areas is preserved.


It is important to note that approval of the planning application for the 3G pitch falls under planning law and is subject to the Local Planning Authority's process for determining planning applications. Approval is not guaranteed and will depend on whether the proposal meets the necessary planning criteria.


Separately, compliance with any covenants is a legal matter relating to the Piper Trust named in the conveyancing documents. While the legal advice SPC have obtained suggests there is no breach of the covenants, this is distinct from the planning process.


10.  Are residents able to submit comments regarding this planning application after Southwater Ghyll CIO’s drop-in session on 1st February 2025?


The Neighbour Consultation expiry date is the 30th of January 2025, but Horsham District Council will still consider comments being submitted after the consultation deadline. Comments submitted up to the Determination Deadline, which is the 8th February 2025 will still be considered.

Please use the Planning Portal on Horsham District Council’s website to provide your comments regarding this Planning Application.

Please note, all information shared in this article are taken from the documents provided on the above linked Planning Portal and more information and documents can be found there.



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