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Help Keep Southwater Skatepark Rolling: Join Our Fundraising Effort!

Southwater Skatepark has been a cornerstone of our community, offering a vibrant and safe space for people of all ages, interested in extreme sports to gather, practice, and share their passion. Over the years, it has become much more than just a skatepark; it’s a place where friendships are forged, skills are honed, and creativity is unleashed. However, this vital community hub now needs your help to keep it rolling!

The Heart of the Community

Located near the heart of Southwater, our skatepark has always been about more than just skating. It’s a sanctuary for people of all ages to express themselves, stay active, focus on their mental and physical health and be part of a supportive community. From early morning practice sessions to evening meet-ups, the skatepark buzzes with life and energy, fostering a sense of belonging among its users.

Why We Need Your Help

Unfortunately, maintaining such a dynamic facility comes with significant costs. Repairs, upgrades, and regular maintenance are essential to ensure the skatepark remains a safe and enjoyable place for everyone.

Our Fundraising Goal

We have launched a fundraising campaign on Crowdfunder with the goal of raising £10,000. This amount will cover essential repairs, safety upgrades, and help establish a fund for future maintenance and exciting events, such as skate jams. By reaching this goal, we can secure the skatepark’s future and continue to provide a space where young people can thrive.

How You Can Make a Difference

Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant impact. Here are a few ways you can help:

  1. Donate: Visit our Crowdfunder page and make a donation. Every pound brings us closer to our goal.

  2. Spread the Word: Share our campaign on social media, with friends, and within your community. The more people who know about our cause, the better.

Thank you for your support!


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