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SPC Response to the Land North West of Southwater Berkeley Homes Proposal

Following on from the Planning Committee meeting of 11th May 2022, Southwater Parish Council have responded to Berkeley Homes with a letter of the following contents:

'On behalf of Southwater Parish Council I write this open letter with respect to the recent proposals that have been produced by Berkeley Homes for the land northwest of Southwater and presented to the public for consultation.

Southwater Parish Council would like to express its disappointment that Berkeley have not taken into account the feedback the Council provided on the proposal at the pre-application meeting on 29th March 2022, and subsequently did not allow sufficient time to ensure all residents receive notification leaflets prior to the dates of the public exhibitions, many informing us they received the leaflets after the 4th May 2022, the first exhibition.

Regarding the proposed development of 1,500 homes on Land Northwest of Southwater. The Parish Council would like to state on public record that it is in conflict with the Southwater Neighbourhood Plan which is the latest adopted/made planning policy relevant to the site. National policy is clear that presently in Southwater, the adverse impact of allowing development that conflicts with the Southwater Neighbourhood Plan is likely to outweigh the benefits significantly and demonstrably'.

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