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  • Services | Southwater Parish Council

    Local Policing Your Local Police Office

  • Section 106 | Southwater Parish

    Section 106 Section 106 Projects Section 106 Funding and Community Infrastructure Levy ​ The principle that development should be subject to a charge or levy has been an aspect of English planning since the inception of the ‘1947 planning system’ of the post war era. Important legislative moments in this regard include the Town and Country Planning Act’s Development Charge (1947), the Land Commission Act (1967), the Community Land Act (1975), the Development Land Tax Act (1976), the Town and Country Planning Act (1990) and the Planning Act (2008). Each of these Acts has had a bearing on the process by which the contributions the development industry makes are exacted and invested. It is important to remember that the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) provides the policy context on which developer contributions can be sought. Currently, there are two mechanisms by which developer contributions are secured. These are: Planning obligations The Local Planning Authority (LPA) negotiate obligatory contributions with developers on a case-by-case basis to mitigate the impacts of the development. These are secured by ‘section 106 agreements’ (S106). Community Infrastructure Levy The Planning Act 2008 and subsequent CIL regulations provide the legislative basis for the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). This is a locally determined fixed charge each square metre of new development. CIL is optional and Horsham District Council have chosen to adopt CIL. ​ In Horsham District, developer contributions are currently secured via both S106 and CIL. There is currently a range of S106 monies available to the area and Parish of Southwater, which Southwater Parish Council monitors and where possible will put forward projects or lobby the appropriate organisation, for example, lobbing West Sussex County Council to spend a S106 balance relating to improvements to highways in Southwater. These monies can only be spent on specific infrastructure or facilities as set out in the respective S106 and in most cases have to be applied for via Horsham District Council. ​ Examples of what the monies have historically been available for or can be spent on include: Commuted Sums for the maintenance of play areas and/or open spaces transferred to the Parish Council. Provision or improvement of open space and recreation facilities including Skate park in Bens Field, Stakers Lane. Provision or improvement of the changing facilities, replacement of windows and refurbishments and alterations to the upper floors at The Ghyll. Provision of outdoor sports in particular to be used for the acquisition of land for or enhancements to outdoor sports pitches. Provision, retention, or improvement of community/leisure facilities. Public artwork. Provision or improvement of community/leisure facilities. Provision of indoor and outdoor sports facilities and enhancements to the main hall at The Ghyll. ​ Each separate Section 106 agreement relating to a development will specify exactly how much funding is available and held by the developer or HDC to which Southwater Parish Council has to apply for with the appropriate project that meets the criteria. ​ For information on Section 106 Agreements and Funds relating to Planning Applications please visit Horsham District's Planning Portal . ​ More information can be found here: Horsham Planning Documents ​ S106 Projects

  • Quarterly Transparency | Southwater Parish

    Quarterly Transparency Expenditure Exceeding £500 Procurement information Government Procurement Card transactions

  • Youth Project | Southwater Parish Council

    Southwater Youth Project CIO Southwater Youth Project CIO is a charity which exists to serve the children and young people of Southwater by supporting mental wellbeing and promoting positive self-esteem. This project has been helping children and young people in Southwater since 2006. ​ The project provides indoor and outdoor activities for children and young people between the ages of 8 to 19 in the Southwater area. Their focus is upon helping children be the best that they can and believe in themselves. ​ The Youth worker and team of volunteers works with schools, wardens, PCSO, Parish Council, local businesses and volunteer residents. This collaborative approach is both inclusive and influential and unites the Southwater Community. ​ For more information please visit their website - Southwater Youth Project Website Check out their Facebook Page - Southwater Youth Project Facebook Page ​ Charity number: 1197216

  • Annual Transparency | Southwater Parish

    Annual Transparency Local Authority Land Staffing Structure Trade Union Facility Time Pay Multiple Grants Social Housing Assets Senior Salaries Parking Fraud Constitution

  • Policies | Southwater Parish

    Policies Council Policies ​ Please contact if you require a specific policy. Policies adopted by Southwater Parish Council (but not limited to) are as follows: Policy Advertising Policy Best Value Policy Statement Policy Carers Leave Policy CCTV Policy Chairman's Discretionary Fund Policy Clarification of Authority to Spend Communication Strategy Community Empowerment Policy Compassionate Leave Policy Complaints Procedure Policy Confidentia lity Policy Councillor Code of Conduct Councillor Co-Option Policy Data Protection of Staff Policy ​Data Protection Policy Debit/Credit Card Expenditure Policy Delegated Authority Record Dignity at Work Policy Electronic Tablets for Use by Councillors Emergency Leave Policy Equality and Diversity Policy Expenses Policy Finance and General Purposes Committee Remit Financial Regulations 2024 Flexible Working Policy Fire Safety Policy First Aid Policy Freedom of Information 2022 General Reserves Policy 2024 Grant Policy 2023 Health and Safety Policy HR Committee Remit Information Security Incident Policy Internal Audit Procedures Policy Investment Policy Jury and Witness Service Policy Maternity Leave Policy Member's Allowances Policy Member's Code of Conduct Dispensation Scheme Member's Correspondence Policy Monuments and Memorials on Parish Owned Public Land Official Conduct and Confidential Reporting Policy Open and Accountable - Meetings of the Parish Council Policy Parental Leave Policy Parish Council Representation on Community Groups/Organisations Paternity Leave Policy Pensions Discretions Policy Personal Safety Policy Planning Committee Remit Probity in Planning Policy Protocol on Member Officer Relations Policy Publication Scheme 2022 Public Question Time Guidance Responsible Financial Officer Retention and Disposal of Documents Policy Safeguarding Policy Scheme of Delegation ​Sickness Absence Policy Social Media Policy Special Events Policy Standing Orders Tendering Process Policy Training & Development Policy Tree Management Policy Vexatious Complaints Policy Volunteering Policy Whistleblowing Policy Zero Tolerance Policy Approved 01 Jan 2014 01 Jul 2007 18 Sept 2024 17 May 2023 17 July 2024 01 Sep 2009 17 July 2024 01 Jul 2009 18 Sept 2024 18 May 2022 29 Nov 2017 18 May 2022 01 Jul 2019 18 Sept 2024 Sept 2018​ 01 Mar 2018 01 Jul 2017 20 Mar 2024 01 Jun 2017 ​18 Sept 2024 17 July2024 17 July 2024 01 Feb 2009 April 2024 18 Sept 2024 17 Nov 2021 Dec 2011 20 Jul 2022 18 Jan 20 24 18 Jan 2023 01 Dec 1999 01 Aug 2011 18 Jan 2023 01 Au g 2017 15 Mar 2023 29 Nov 2017 18 Sept 2024 18 May 2022 01 Sep 2014 01 Aug 2017 01 Jul 2013 01 Jul 2017 01 Sep 2016 29 Nov 2017 01 Oct 2014 18 Sept 2024 18 Sept 2024 18 Sept 2024 17 May 2023 01 Aug 2017 01 Apr 2018 20 Jul 2022 May 2024 01 Feb 2015 18 Jan 2023 29 Jan 2020 18 Apr 2018 ​18 Sept 2024 18 Jan 2023 01 Jul 2017 18 Jan 2023 01 Jul 2014 15 May 2024 01 Aug 2018 01 Jun 2018 01 Jun 2018 17 July 2024 01 Jun 2018 Reviewed 01 Mar 2022 09 Feb 2022 Sept 2024 09 May 2023 17 July 2024 09 Feb 2022 17 July 2024 09 Feb 2022 Sept 2024 18 May 2022 09 Feb 2022 18 May 2022 09 Feb 2022 Sept 2024 ​Feb 2022 11 Feb 2022 11 Feb 2022 20 Mar 2024 11 Feb 2022 Sept 2024 17 July 2024 17 July 2024 11 Feb 2022 17 July 2024 Sept 2024 13 Sept 2024 July 2024 20 Jul 2022 16 Nov 2022 18 Jan 2023 31 Aug 2024 01 July 2022 18 Jan 2023 01 Feb 2022 15 Mar 2023 Sept 2024 Sept 2024 6 Dec 2023 21 Feb 2022 22 Feb 2022 22 Feb 2022 23 Feb 2022 22 Feb 2022 Sept 2024 23 Feb 2022 Sept 2024 01 Dec 2019 Sept 2024 23 Apr 2023 24 Feb 2022 22 Feb 2022 20 Jul 2022 Aug 2024 24 Feb 202 2 18 Jan 2023 Sept 2024 29 Ma r 2023 ​18 Sept 2024 March 2024 01 Dec 2019 18 Sep 2024 10 Mar 2022 15 May 2024 11 Mar 2022 11 Mar 2022 11 Mar 2022 17 July 2024 11 Mar 2022 ​ ​ ​

  • Nutham Lane | Southwater Parish

    Nutham Lane Play Area Nutham Lane Play Area Nutham Lane Play Area Nutham Lane Play Area Nutham Lane Play Area 1/8 Nutham Lane Play Area has recently undergone refurbishment including updates to play equipment, surfacing and metal fences around the play area. A new bench and bin has also been installed. ​ Location: Nutham Lane Play Area Nutham Lane Southwater West Sussex RH13 9GG

  • Senior Salaries | Southwater Parish

    Senior Salaries Local authorities are already required to publish, under the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, the following information with regard to senior salaries: ​ The number of employees whose remuneration in that year was at least £50,000 in brackets of £5,000. ​ Details of remuneration and job title of certain senior employees whose salary is at least £50,000. ​ Employees whose salaries are £150,000 or more must also be identified by name In addition to this requirement, local authorities must place a link on their website to these published data or place the data itself on their website, together with a list of responsibilities (for example, the services and functions they are responsible for, budget held and number of staff) and details of bonuses and ‘benefits-in-kind’, for all employees whose salary exceeds £50,000. Southwater Parish Council has one employee whose remunerations is over £50,000 per annum (bracket £50,000 - £54,999). Southwater Parish Council has no employees whose salaries are over £150,000. The one employee is the Executive Officer (Proper Officer) and Responsible Finance Officer (s151 Officer).

  • Procurement Information | Southwater Parish

    Procurement Information Procurement over £5,000 ​ Procurement over £5,000 - 2023-24 Procurement over £5,000 - 2022-23 Procurement over £5,000 - 2021-22 ​ ​ Transparency ​ The code requires that local authorities must publish details of every invitation to tender or quote for contracts to provide goods and/or services with a value that exceeds £5,000. ​ For each invitation, the following details must be published: ​ Reference number Title Description of the goods and/or services sought Start, end and review dates Local authority department responsible ​ The code requires that local authorities must also publish details of any contract, commissioned activity, purchase order, framework agreement and any other legally enforceable agreement with a value that exceeds £5,000. ​ For each contract, the following details must be published: ​ Reference number. Title of agreement. Local authority department responsible. Description of the goods and/or services sought. Supplier name and details. Sum to be paid over the length of the contract or the estimated annual spending or budget for the contract. Value Added Tax (VAT) that cannot be recovered. Start, end and review dates. Whether or not the contract was a result of an invitation to quote or a published invitation to tender. Whether or not the supplier is a small or medium sized enterprise and/or a voluntary or community sector organisation and where it is, provide the relevant registration number.

  • Parish Councillors | Southwater Parish

    Parish Councillors The Members of the Parish Council * Chairman ** Vice Chairman Contact details for all councillors: Address: Southwater Parish Council, Beeson House, Lintot Sq. Southwater RH13 9LA ​ Phone number: 01403 733202 Chris Pearce ​ South Ward Email: ​ ​Register of Member's Interests Derek Moore* ​ South Ward Email: ​ ​ Register of Member's Interests Geoffrey Cole ​ South Ward Email: ​ ​ Register of Member's Interests Graham Watkins ​ South Ward Email: ​ ​Register of Member's Interests Ilanit Slowly ​ North Ward Email: ​ Register of Member's Interests Lloyd Everard ​ North Ward Email: ​ ​ Register of Member's Interests Nikki Knott ​ North Ward Email: ​ ​ ​Register of Member's Interests Steven Lewis** ​ North Ward Email: ​ ​ ​Register of Member's Interests Claire Vickers ​ North Ward Email: ​ ​ Register of Member's Interests Erica Haddon ​ North Ward Email: ​ Register of Member's Interests Graham Turnwell ​ South Ward Email: ​ ​ Register of Member's Interests Ian Stannard ​ North ward Email: ​ ​ ​Register of Member's Interests Jeff Villis ​ South Ward Email: ​ ​Register of Member's Interests Nicola Brown ​ South Ward Email: ​ Register of Member's Interests Pauline Flores-Moore ​ North Ward Email: ​ ​ Register of Member's Interests Southwater Parish Council is made up from a maximum number of 15 Councillors. As Parish Councillor vacancies open, SPC will notify the public accordingly . If you are interested in joining the Council, please contact us: 01403 733202

  • Job Listings and Vacancies | Southwater Parish

    Job Listings and Vacancies Current Job Vacancies and Em ployment Opportunities at Southwater Parish Council : ​ ​ Current: ASSIST ANT (DEPUTY) EXECUTIVE OFFICER Please see the following for more information: ​ Assistant (Deputy) Executive Officer - Advert ​ Assistant Executive Officer - Job Description Assistant Executive Officer - Job Specification ​ Deputy Executive Officer - Job Description Deputy Executive Officer - Job Specification Apply by completing an Application Form and exporting as PDF. ​ Closing deadline for applications is Saturday, 31st August 2024 ​ Expired: ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE OFFICER Please see the following for more information: ​ Assistant Executive Officer - Advert Assistant Executive Officer - Job Description Assistant Executive Officer - Job Specification Apply by completing an Application Form and exporting as PDF. ​ Closing deadline for applications is Monday, 23rd October 2023 ​ ​

  • Projects | Southwater Parish

    Section 106 Projects Lardner Kitchen Read more The Ghyll Read more Southwater Skate Park Read more Roman Lane Artwork Project Read more

  • Councillor Allowances and Expenses | Southwater Parish

    Councillors Allowances and Expenses Members' (Councillor) Allowances set for 2024-25 come into effect from 1st April 2024. See Notice below: Parish Councillors' Allowances Reg 25 (26) (Updated) Members Allowance Policy Members' Allowances 2024-25 Payments 2023-24 Payments 2022-23 Payments 2021-22 Payments

  • Your Parish Council | Southwater Parish

    Your Parish Council The Parish Council came into being in 1987 upon the demise of the Horsham Rural District Council, due to Local Government re-organisation. ​ The Parish Council is a Statutory Body, with members elected every four years and is funded through the local precept (council tax). The income and expenditure for the next financial year are calculated in the form of a draft budget. The net amount (the precept) is then added to the council tax, collected by Horsham District Council and paid to the Parish Council in two separate instalments. The Parish Council can apply for other funding such as grants and funding awards, but it does not receive funding direct from central government as, say, the County and District Councils do. The Parish Council currently operates its offices and chamber in Beeson House. ​ There are three tiers of local government, each with different responsibilities. SPC is considered the first and local tier. Council tax paid by all Southwater residents is collected by HDC. HDC distribute Taxes and Precepts to WSCC, HDC and SPC. SPC receive the Precept from HDC in two 50% payments. The first in April and second in September. The main source of income for SPC is the precept but also receives income from various assets, grants and will look towards new income opportunities that can reduce the total precept requirement. ​ It should be noted that some assets within the village, whether Public Open Space or Play Areas, may be operated by HDC and some by SPC. Signage is typically found at each site which will indicate which authority but where unsure direct queries to The Parish Council has a large range of powers and therefore is actively engaged on your behalf on a variety of different activities within the community. A list of the powers and duties available to the Parish Council can be viewed here - Powers and Duties

  • DofE Living Legacy Fund | Southwater Parish

    The Duke of Edinburgh Award The Living Legacy Fund The Living Legacy Fund Application Form Once you have completed the application form, please send it to us via email on . Thank you.

  • Trade Union Facility Time | Southwater Parish

    Trade Union Facility Time The code requires that local authorities must publish the following information on trade union facility time: ​ Total number (absolute number and full time equivalent) of staff who are union representatives. Total number (absolute number and full time equivalent) of union representatives who devote at least 50 per cent of their time to union duties. Names of all trade union represented in the local authority. A basic estimate of spending on unions. A basic estimate of spending on unions as a percentage of the total pay bill. ​ Please note, SPC does not have a trade union facility time.

  • Climate change | Southwater Parish

    Our Parish, Our Climate Welcome to our page where you can find everything related to climate change and the actions we can take as a community. Please browse around below amongst our resources and check out SPC's climate action plan. News Click here for environment and climate related news from the parish and the district. Climate Action Plan Southwater Parish Council's climate action plan has been launched. Useful Resources A collection of useful and interesting resources to help the environment. Sustainable Southwater What can you do in Southwater? Where and what can you recycle in the area?

  • Neighbourhood Wardens | Southwater Parish Council

    Neighbourhood Wardens Contact Details: Dominic Woodhead Southwater Neighbourhood Warden 07789 943193 Bettina Long Southwater Neighbourhood Warden 07789 943156 Contact details for each warden scheme can be found at Horsham Website Dominic Woodhead and Bettina Long are our neighbourhood wardens for Southwater Parish. Based within the community the Neighbourhood Wardens work alongside partner agencies to improve the quality of life for everyone by undertaking a number of activities from enforcement to community development, working with the elderly, vulnerable and young people. They are managed by Horsham District Council, working closely with the Parish and Neighbourhood Councils to set priorities. The Schemes are funded by the Parish Councils and Neighbourhood Councils Special Charge. Neighbourhood Wardens have certain enforcement powers and carry out high visibility patrols in their respective areas to deter crime and anti-social behaviour. Horsham District Council is accredited by Sussex Police and Neighbourhood Wardens can utilise certain police powers aimed at low-level anti-social behaviour. They can also exercise powers available to them as employees of the District Council in relation to environmental offences. Monthly Reports Annual Reports

  • Accessibility Statement | Southwater Parish

    Accessibility Statement Approved at Full Council on 28th September 2022 Reviewed on 21st August 2024 Accessibility Statement PDF Accessibility statement for Southwater Parish Council This accessibility statement applies to Southwater Parish Council’s (SPC) website hosted at: Home | Southwater Parish Council ( ​ This website is supported by Wix and managed by Southwater Parish Council. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website. For example, that means you should be able to: navigate most of the website using just a keyboard navigate using just one finger tell where you are on the page zoom in up to 200% navigate most of the website using speech recognition software listen to most of the website using a screen reader (including the most recent versions of Job Access With Speech (JAWS), NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA) and VoiceOver) We’ve also made the website text as simple as possible to understand. AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability. How accessible this website is? We know some parts of this website are not fully accessible: you cannot modify the line height or spacing of text (but you can expand your device screen size to magnify pages) some older PDF documents may not be accessible to screen reader software. Feedback and contact information: If you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF, large print, easy read, audio recording or braille: Email – Call – 01403 733 202 Write to our Parish office at: Address: Beeson House, 26 Lintot Square, Fairbank Road, Southwater RH13 9LA We’ll consider your request and get back to you as soon as we can. Reporting accessibility problems with this website ​ We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. If you find any problems not listed on this page or think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements, please email: ​ Enforcement procedure The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the ‘accessibility regulations’). If you’re not happy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS). Contacting us by phone or visiting us in person ​ We provide a text relay service for people who are D/deaf, hearing impaired or have a speech impediment. Our offices have audio induction loops, or if you contact us before your visit we can arrange a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter. Find out how to contact us by visiting our Contact Us page: Contact Us | Southwater Parish ( ​ Technical information about this website’s accessibility ​ Southwater Parish Council is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. Southwater Parish Council is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of circumstance and ability. We aim to adhere as closely as possible to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.2, Level AA), published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). These guidelines explain how to make Web content more accessible for people with disabilities. Conformance with these guidelines will help make the web more user friendly to everyone. Whilst Southwater Parish Council strive to adhere to the guidelines and standards for accessibility, it is not always possible to do so in all areas of the website and we are currently working to achieve this. Be aware that due to the dynamic nature of the website, minor issues may occasionally occur as it is updated regularly. We are continually seeking out solutions that will bring all areas of the site up to the same level of overall web accessibility. Content that’s not within the scope of the accessibility regulations ​ PDFs and other documents Some of our PDFs are essential to providing our services. For example, we have PDFs for meetings and agenda. Any new PDFs or Word documents we publish will meet accessibility standards. Live video We do not plan to add captions (subtitles) to live video streams because live video is exempt from meeting the accessibility regulations . To view live video streams of SPCs meetings, please visit our YouTube Channel: SPC YouTube Channel ​ Dark mode Our website provider is not able to offer dark mode for this site yet. Preparation of this accessibility statement ​ This website was last tested for accessibility on 20th August 2024. The test was carried out by Parish staff by using the WAVE web accessibility evaluation tool. Here is a link to the tool, accessing the home page: WAVE Report of Home | Southwater Parish Council ( . As part of using the tool, various pages of the website have been tested. Reviewed by Southwater Parish Council on 21st August 2024.

  • Expenditure Exceeding £500 | Southwater Parish

    Expenditure Exceeding £500 The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 (the code) came into effect on 1 April 2015. The code is issued by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government in exercise of powers under section 2 of the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980, and replaces any previous codes issued in relation to authorities in England under those powers. The code does not replace or supersede the existing framework for access to and re-use of public sector information provided by the: ​ Freedom of Information Act 2000 (as amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012) Environmental Information Regulations 2004 Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community regulations 2009 Sections 25 and 26 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 which provides rights for persons to inspect a local authority’s accounting records and supporting documentation, and to make copies of them. ​ The code requires local authorities in England to publish expenditure exceeding £500 quarterly as a minimum. However this detail is shown bi-monthly in line with F&GP frequency. APR-JUN 2019-20 JUL-SEP 2019-20 OCT-NOV 2019-20 DEC-JAN 2019-20 FEB-MAR 2019-20 APR-MAY 2020-21 JUN-JUL 2020-21 AUG-SEP 2020-21 OCT-NOV 2020-21 DEC-JAN 2020-21 FEB-MAR 2020-21 APR-MAY 2021-22 JUN-JUL 2021-22 AUG-SEP 2021-22 OCT-NOV 2021-22 DEC-JAN 2021-22 FEB-MAR 2021-22 APR-MAY 2022-23 JUN-JUL 2022-23 AUG-SEP 2022-23 OCT-NOV 2022-23 DEC-JAN 2022-23 FEB-MAR 2022-23 APR-MAY 2023-24 JUN-JUL 2023-24 FEB-MARCH 2023-24 AUG-SEP 2023-24 APRIL-MAY 2024-25 OCT-NOV 2023-24 JUN-JUL 2024-25 DEC-JAN 2023-24

  • The Ghyll | Southwater Parish

    The Ghyll Play Area The Ghyll Play Area The Ghyll Play Area The Ghyll Play Area The Ghyll Play Area 1/8 The Ghyll Play Area is maintained and managed by The Ghyll (previously known as Southwater Leisure Centre). ​ Location: The Ghyll Play Area The Ghyll Pevensey Road Southwater, West Sussex RH13 9XZ

  • Planning Committee | Southwater Parish

    Planning Committee Agenda & Minutes Minutes to meetings are considered draft until approved. If you require minutes prior to the dates below, please contact us at ​ YouTube Live Streams of Council Meetings Available here. ​ If you wish to speak at a meeting, please click here to read our Public Question Time Guidance Document. ​ 2024 2023 2022 2021

  • 2024 Monthly Reports

    2024 Neighbourhood Warden Monthly Reports

  • Larkspur Way | Southwater Parish

    Larkspur Way Play Area Larkspur Way Play Area Larkspur Way Play Area Larkspur Way Play Area Larkspur Way Play Area 1/7 Larkspur Way Play Area has recently undergone refurbishment to all play equipment and has had a new bench installed. ​ Location: Larkspur Way Play Area Larkspur Way Southwater West Sussex RH13 9GR

  • Home | Southwater Parish Council

    Southwater Parish Council Welcome to the Southwater Parish Council website. Here you will find information about the Parish Council, news & updates, services we provide for you, along with businesses and the community. News Agendas & Minutes Finance & Transparency The Council To view the Next Council Meeting, click below: Follow us on Social Media Forthcoming Meetings Download the agenda for the meeting Defibrillators Other Helpful Contacts Latest Roadworks Defibrillators Newsletters Community Planning Facilities & Recreation Contact Us Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Weekend: Closed Social Media Address: Southwater Parish Council, Beeson House, 26 Lintot Square, Fairbank Road, Southwater, West Sussex RH13 9LA 01403 733202 Accessibility Statement

  • Finance | Southwater Parish

    ​ Finance AGAR Annual Budget CIL Payments Grants Risk Management Schedule Annual Accounts Business Plan Expenditure Exceeding £500 Precept Section 106

  • Neighbourhood Plan | Southwater Parish

    Southwater Neighbourhood Plan All of the various stages of the development that led to the 'Made Plan' can be found on the offical website. Southwater Neighbourhood Plan Website Find Out More Want a Say on Your Neighbourhood Plan? Neighbourhood Plan Review 2023 On the 23rd June 2021, Horsham District Council voted to 'make' the Southwater Neighbourhood Plan. Accordingly the Southwater Neighbourhood Plan now forms part of the development plan for the area and is being used to help determine planning applications. ​ The Parish Council would like to thank everyone who has made it possible to get to this point. The plan can be downloaded below: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Southwater Neighbourhood Plan (Made) Southwater Neighbourhood Plan A0 Policies Map (as Made) Southwater Infrastructure Delivery Plan For more information on the Southwater Infrastructure Delivery Plan (SIDP), please click on the link below: Southwater Infrastructure Delivery Plan What is a Neighbourhood Plan? Neighbourhood planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area. They are able to choose where they want new homes, shops and offices to be built, have their say on what those new buildings should look like and what infrastructure should be provided, and grant planning permission for the new buildings they want to see go ahead. Neighbourhood planning provides a powerful set of tools for local people to ensure that they get the right types of development for their community where the ambition of the neighbourhood is aligned with the strategic needs and priorities of the wider local area. ​ Neighbourhood planning is not a legal requirement but a right which communities in England can choose to use. Communities may decide that they could achieve the outcomes they want to see through other planning routes, such as incorporating their proposals for the neighbourhood into the Local Plan, or through other planning mechanisms such as Local Development Orders and supplementary planning documents or through pre-application consultation on development proposals. Communities and local planning authorities should discuss the different choices communities have to achieving their ambitions for their neighbourhood. ​ Here is plications by Horsham District Council Planning Offers and elected Councillors. ​ More information on neighbourhood planning can be found on the website click here.

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