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  • Grants | Southwater Parish

    Grants Grants Grants are payments made by the Parish Council to an organisation for a specific purpose to enhance and promote the wellbeing of the local community, either generally or for a specific purpose; and which is not directly controlled or administered by the Parish Council. ​ ​ Applying for Grants Each application for a community grant will be considered on its own merit. For more details on grants and how to apply for them see the Grant Policy, Guidance notes for applications and the Grant Application form below. ​ Grant Policy 2023 Grant Policy 2023 Application Form ​ Grant applications are considered by the Finance and General Purposes Committee in April and October and will need to be submitted at least 14 days prior to the meeting date at which the application will be considered. ​ For individuals or groups looking for financial assistance or other help that may not fit the criteria of the Grant Policy there is a Chairman Discretionary Fund in place. Please contact the Executive Officer with your request at: ​ ​ Grants Made by Southwater Parish Council Community Grants are made by the Parish Council to organisations in accordance with its Grant Policy, however, some grants are made by a separate agreement under exceptional circumstances as considered a nd ratified by the Council. For a full list of grants made by the Council see below: Grants 2024-25 Grants 2023-24 Grants 2022-23 Grants 2021-22 ​ ​ ​

  • Annual Parish Meetings | Southwater Parish

    The Annual Parish Meeting This is not a Council meeting, but it is invariably the Council that arranges it (simply because it is unlikely that anyone else will do so). It's decisions are not binding on the Council, though a Council will normally want to take heed of what is said at the meeting. The Annual Parish Meeting is a legacy from the Middle Ages, when Local Councils did not exist, and all local decision making was carried out by meetings of the whole community, taking place in the church vestry. The Annual Parish Meeting is open to all electors of the Town or Parish, who have the right not only to attend but also to speak on any matter of local interest. This is in contrast to a Council meeting, where electors who are not Councillors have no automatic right to speak (though many councils do, of course, have a set time before or after the Council meeting when electors can raise matters of concern to them relating to items on the Agenda of a specific meeting). Annual Parish Meeting - 7th May 2024 Agenda / Chairman's Report and Other Reports Minutes This meeting will be held at 6:30 pm in th e Lardner Hall, The Ghyll, Pevensey Road, Southwater ​ Annual Parish Meeting - 30th May 2023 Agenda / Chairman's Report / Reports Minutes Annual Parish Meeting - 22nd June 2022 Agenda / Reports Minutes This meeting will be Live Streamed: SPC YouTube Channel Annual Parish Meeting - 23 June 2021 Agenda / Reports Minutes Note due to COVID-19 and room restrictions on numbers in attendance due to health and safety this meeting will be Live Streamed: SPC YouTube Channel Please see the Agenda for more details. ​ Previously scheduled 14 April 2021 and postponed. Annual Parish Meeting - 2020 Cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic. ​

  • The Ghyll | Southwater Parish

    The Ghyll Introduction Section 106 funding was applied for by Southwater Ghyll CIO. This project was for the improvement of the windows and doors on the south and western side of the Ghyll. The project also consists of refurbishing the outside area of the café by creating a patio area and ensuring it is levelled making the entrance more appealing and welcoming. ​ For further information regarding the improvements to The Ghyll: Click here. ​ Before and After Photos below:

  • Risk Management Schedule | Southwater Parish

    Risk Management Schedule Risks are potential threats from events or actions that will adversely affect an organisation’s ability to achieve its objectives and to successfully execute its strategies. Risk management is the process by which risks are identified, evaluated and controlled. It is a key element of the framework of governance together with community focus, structures and processes, standards of conduct and service delivery arrangements. ​ The Southwater Parish Council Risk Management Schedule has been produced to enable the Parish Council to assess the risks that it faces and satisfy itself that it has taken adequate steps to minimise potential risks. The Council is aware that although some risks can never be eliminated fully, it has in place a strategy that provides a structured, systematic and focuses approach to managing risk, which: ​ Identifies the key risks facing the council Identifies what the risk may be Identifies the level of risk Evaluates the management and control of the risk and records findings Reviews, assesses and revises procedures if required. Southwater Parish Council Risk Management Schedule 2024-2025 ​ Southwater Parish Council Risk Management Schedule 2023-2024 ​ Southwater Parish Council Risk Management Schedule 2022-2023 ​ Southwater Parish Council Risk Management Schedule 2021-2022 ​ Southwater Parish Council Risk Management Schedule 2020-2021 ​ Southwater Parish Council Risk Management Schedule 2019-2020

  • Sustainable Southwater | Southwater Parish

    Our Parish, Our Climate Recycling options in Southwater, list of places such as Co-op for batteries and bags, Sussex Green Living Site. Mention the allotments and community fridge dates too.

  • Services | Southwater Parish Council

    Local Policing Your Local Police Office

  • Section 106 | Southwater Parish

    Section 106 Section 106 Projects Section 106 Funding and Community Infrastructure Levy ​ The principle that development should be subject to a charge or levy has been an aspect of English planning since the inception of the ‘1947 planning system’ of the post war era. Important legislative moments in this regard include the Town and Country Planning Act’s Development Charge (1947), the Land Commission Act (1967), the Community Land Act (1975), the Development Land Tax Act (1976), the Town and Country Planning Act (1990) and the Planning Act (2008). Each of these Acts has had a bearing on the process by which the contributions the development industry makes are exacted and invested. It is important to remember that the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) provides the policy context on which developer contributions can be sought. Currently, there are two mechanisms by which developer contributions are secured. These are: Planning obligations The Local Planning Authority (LPA) negotiate obligatory contributions with developers on a case-by-case basis to mitigate the impacts of the development. These are secured by ‘section 106 agreements’ (S106). Community Infrastructure Levy The Planning Act 2008 and subsequent CIL regulations provide the legislative basis for the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). This is a locally determined fixed charge each square metre of new development. CIL is optional and Horsham District Council have chosen to adopt CIL. ​ In Horsham District, developer contributions are currently secured via both S106 and CIL. There is currently a range of S106 monies available to the area and Parish of Southwater, which Southwater Parish Council monitors and where possible will put forward projects or lobby the appropriate organisation, for example, lobbing West Sussex County Council to spend a S106 balance relating to improvements to highways in Southwater. These monies can only be spent on specific infrastructure or facilities as set out in the respective S106 and in most cases have to be applied for via Horsham District Council. ​ Examples of what the monies have historically been available for or can be spent on include: Commuted Sums for the maintenance of play areas and/or open spaces transferred to the Parish Council. Provision or improvement of open space and recreation facilities including Skate park in Bens Field, Stakers Lane. Provision or improvement of the changing facilities, replacement of windows and refurbishments and alterations to the upper floors at The Ghyll. Provision of outdoor sports in particular to be used for the acquisition of land for or enhancements to outdoor sports pitches. Provision, retention, or improvement of community/leisure facilities. Public artwork. Provision or improvement of community/leisure facilities. Provision of indoor and outdoor sports facilities and enhancements to the main hall at The Ghyll. ​ Each separate Section 106 agreement relating to a development will specify exactly how much funding is available and held by the developer or HDC to which Southwater Parish Council has to apply for with the appropriate project that meets the criteria. ​ For information on Section 106 Agreements and Funds relating to Planning Applications please visit Horsham District's Planning Portal . ​ More information can be found here: Horsham Planning Documents ​ S106 Projects

  • 2021 Monthly Reports

    2021 Neighbourhood Warden Monthly Reports Neighbourhood Warden Progress Tracking

  • Forthcoming Meeting Dates | Southwater Parish

    Forthcoming Meeting Dates Please find below a list of all Parish Council Meetings for 2024/25 ​ Parish Council meetings are held in the Council Chamber at Beeson House, Lintot Square. Please refer to Agendas for details of the topics to be covered at each meeting. Please see under page 'Policies' the document titled "Standing Orders" appertaining to meetings for the rules and regulations governing participation. ​ Correct as at 15 May 2024 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BECOMING A PARISH COUNCILLOR AND REPRESENTING YOUR COMMUNITY PLEASE CONTACT THE EXECUTIVE OFFICER ON 01403 733202 OR EMAIL:

  • Parking | Southwater Parish

    Parking Account & Spaces Please note, SPC does not have any parking. Parking Account The code requires that local authorities must publish on their website, or place a link on their website to this data if published elsewhere: ​ A breakdown of income and expenditure on the authority’s parking account, including details of revenue collected form on-street parking, off-street parking and Penalty Charge Notices A breakdown of how the authority has spent a surplus on its parking account Parking Spaces The code requires that local authorities must publish the number of marked out controlled on and offstreet parking spaces within their area, or an estimate of the number of spaces where controlled parking space is not marked out in individual parking bays or spaces.

  • Allotments | Southwater Parish

    Allotments Allotments are provided to enable residents of Southwater to have access to space where they can grow produce for their own consumption, whilst enjoying the social aspects of allotment gardening in a green and healthy environment. The Council supports the use of environmentally friendly methods and promotes rain harvesting systems, such as water butts. Location and Pricing ​ Easteds Allotments, Easteds Lane, Southwater ​ Nu mber of allotments at Easteds Allotments as 68 plots. Current price per allotment of £20.00 per annum for 2022-23 and 2023-24. Allotments Price - £25.00 per annum for 2024-25 and 2025-26. A further £18.00 p/a is payable to Easteds Allotment Association to cover water, maintenance, member to member insurance etc. These costs are subject to annual review. Contact Should you be interested in renting an allotment please contact to add your name to the waiting list and for further information.

  • The Roman Lane Art Project | Southwater Parish

    The Roman Lane Art Project Before the houses were built, archaeologists surveyed and excavated the area discovering a Roman past that had lain buried for over 1,700 years. Inspired by the discovery and the local wildlife the children of Castlewood Primary and Southwater Academy worked with the artist commissioned to create these art screens. The Screens The Artwork has incorporated traditional Roman designs found in mosaics and painted walls of the Roman Villas of Fishbourne and Bignor and elsewhere. It incorporates images of the local wildlife to create a 21st century vision of classical decoration. Beyond Rome After the Roman’s left in 410AD, nature took over and so the buildings disappeared from landscape and memory. Some 1400 years later a railway would be built nearby taking trains to the North Downs of Surrey and the South Down’s of Sussex. The rural line was axed in 1966, lasting only 100 years, but the remains of it can be seen along the Down’s Link, a cycle, footpath that can be joined by following the footpath. The Artist-Tim Ward Allotments are provided to enable residents of Southwater to have access to space where they can grow produce for their own consumption, whilst enjoying the social aspects of allotment gardening in a green and healthy environment. The Council supports the use of environmentally friendly methods and promotes rain harvesting systems, such as water butts. Tim likes to explore the combination of a variety of different materials, ranging from steelwork, photographic plates, glass, stone, mosaic and lighting in producing his artwork. He believes art within public spaces should encourage and stimulate interaction with the world around us and evoke a sense of pride and wonder for the unique quality of the places where we live, visit and work. Tim founded Circling the Square in 2022 and leads the design and implementation of public art, street furniture and environmental projects. Tim is an elected member of the Art Workers Guild. ​

  • Skate Parks | Southwater Parish

    Skate Parks Take a look below at our Skate Parks. The beloved and renowned "Southwater Skatepark" at Ben's Field, Stakers Lane has been in the process of being rebuilt and finally opened after a much anticipated wait on 31 July 2023. ​ Southwater Skatepark - May 2024 Map Key Orange skateboard icon marks the skate parks we manage. A Google Map has been embedded on this page and is a 3rd party provided service and may not be fully accessible. If you require further help with getting location information please contact us. Church Lane Address : Off Church Lane Southwater Horsham West Sussex RH13 9BT Southwater Skatepark Address : Ben's Field, Stakers Lane (Downs Link) Southwater Horsham West Sussex RH13 9UN

  • The Council

    The Council Your Parish Council Councillors Staff Policies Your Parish Council Councillors Committees and Reps Policies Forthcoming Meeting Dates Powers and Duties Staff Job Listings and Vacancies Civility and Respect

  • Useful Resources | Southwater Parish

    Our Parish, Our Climate Useful Resources Eco-Friendly Design 24/7 Support Multilingual Functionality Advanced Tech First-Rate Materials Licensed Professionals

  • Her Majesty The Queen | Southwater Parish

    Her Majesty The Queen 1926 - 2022 The Chairman of the Parish Council wishes to express heartfelt condolences on behalf of Southwater Parish Council and the Residents of Southwater Parish, to the Royal Family on hearing the announcement of the death of HMTQ Queen Elizabeth II of United Kingdom. ​ The Union Flag is being flown at half-mast and will continue to be flown as such for the recommended period. ​ There will be a Proclamation Ceremony at 2:00pm Sunday 11th September 2022. The Chairman will read the Proclamation outside the Parish Office, Beeson House, 26 Lintot Square, Fairbank Road, Southwater, RH13 9LA. Note, the Flag will be flown full-mast at 11:00am Saturday 10th September 2022 and will be returned to half-mast after the Proclamation Ceremony on Sunday 11th September 2022. Residents of Southwater Parish are welcome to attend. ​ The Parish Council Chamber will hold a book of condolences for all those wishing to pay their respects. The Chamber will be opened at 9am until 12 noon by appointment only from Monday to Friday. ​ There is also an online book of condolence on the Royal Family website: ​ ​ Cllr Derek Moore Chairman of Southwater Parish Council Home Page

  • Pay Multiple | Southwater Parish

    Pay Multiple The code requires that local authorities must publish the pay multiple on their website, defined as the ratio between the highest paid taxable earnings for the given year (including base salary, variable pay, bonuses, allowances and the cash value of any benefits-in-kind) and the median earnings figure of the whole of the authority’s workforce. The measure must: ​ Cover all the elements of remuneration that can be valued. ​ Use the median earnings figure as the denominator, which should be that of all employees of the local authority on a fixed date each year, coinciding with reporting at the end of the financial year. ​ Exclude changes in pension benefits, which due to their variety and complexity cannot be accurately included in a pay multiple disclosure. ​ Southwater Parish Council’s Pay Multiple as at 1 April 2024 is 1.70:1 (Based on Median) and 1.58:1 (Based on Mean) ​ These calculations include part-time employees’ total salaries as full-time equivalents, not pro rata.

  • Meetings | Southwater Parish Council

    Agendas & Minutes Full Council Meetings Finance & General Purposes Committee Meetings Planning Committee Extraordinary Council Meetings HR Committee Meetings Annual Parish Meetings

  • Southwater Community Responders | Southwater Parish

    Southwater Community First Responders (CFR's) CFR's are volunteers who provide immediate care to those in their community who have fallen ill. The CFR's are dispatched by the South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb). CFR's are trained to attend emergency calls received by the Ambulance Service, and give life-saving care in the minutes up to when the ambulance arrives. ​ Training is provided by the Ambulance Service and covers Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). ​ The aim of the group is to provide a service 24 hours a day 365 days of the year. ​ See website for Southwater Community Responders role and activities and how to get involved - Home | Southwater Community First Responders ( Public Access Defibrillators in Southwater Within the Parish, there are 12 Public Access Defibrillators which may be used by anyone. To gain access to the devices, dial 999 and ask for the ambulance service who will advise you of the access code to open the cabinet. For more information, please visit the SCF website - Defibrillators | Southwater Community ( Location of Public Access Defibrillators in Southwater Below is a map of where you can find the Public Access Defibrillators. Click on the red heart icon to find the specific location for each defibrillator. Map Key Red heart icon marks the Public Access Defibrillators The above map has been taken from SCR's website. To view this on their website please use the link provided - Defibrillators | Southwater Community (

  • Community | Southwater Parish

    Community Neighbourhood Wardens Southwater Ghyll CIO DofE Living Legacy Fund Southwater Community Police Office Southwater Youth Project Southwater Village Hall Southwater Community Responders

  • Precept | Southwater Parish

    Precept Precept and Household Tax Band Calculations for 2023-24 Precept and Household Tax Band Calculations for 2022-23

  • Facilities & Recreation | Southwater Parish

    Facilities & Recreation Play Areas Southwater Ghyll MUGA (The Ghyll) Allotments Open Spaces Skate Parks MUGA (Church Lane)

  • Open Spaces | Southwater Parish

    Open Spaces Take a look at all our open spaces. Below is a map of our open spaces. Click on the green icon trees to locate our open spaces. Map Key Green tree icon marks open spaces we manage A Google Map has been embedded on this page and is a 3rd party provided service and may not be fully accessible. If you require further help with getting location information please contact us. ​ Useful Page - Local Authority Land

  • Play Areas | Southwater Parish

    Find a Play Area The Council recognises the importance of ‘play and recreation’ and we are fortunate to have eight playgrounds within our Parish Boundary. ​ The Play Areas are maintained and inspected by our Play Area Inspectors and an independent inspection from Zurich. ​ The Council manages and maintains 7 play areas in the Parish. 5 play areas have recently undergone refurbishment (Cornflower Way, Eversfield. Larkspur Way, Nutham Lane and Warren Drive). Map Key Yellow swing icon mark play areas we manage Brown swing icon marks play areas managed by other organisations A Google Map has been embedded on this page and is a 3rd party provided service and may not be fully accessible. If you require further help with getting location information please contact us. Cornflower Play Area Read More Eversfield Play Area Read More Nutham Lane Play Area Read More The Ghyll Play Area Read More Downs Link Play Area Read More Larkspur Way Play Area Read More Roman Lane Play Area Read More Warren Drive Play Area Read More

  • About | Southwater Parish Council

    About the Parish of Southwater Southwater Parish Southwater Parish is located immediately south of Horsham Town. Southwater Village is approximately 4 miles south of Horsham (West Sussex), 14 miles from Worthing (on the South Coast), 20 miles from Gatwick Airport (to the North East) and 23 miles from Guildford (to the North West). Southwater Parish comprises the communities of Christ’s Hospital, Tower Hill, Two Mile Ash, Newfoundout and the village centre itself. ​ Area and Population Southwater Parish is a semi-rural area, in the Low Weald, that in total covers some 1400 hectares and has a population of approximately 12,500 and as at 1 April 2022, has an electorate of 8,639 people. Bordering Parishes Southwater Parish shares Parish borders with: ​ ​ ​ To the North: Horsham – specifically Denne Neighbourhood and Forest Neighbourhood To the East: Nuthurst Parish To the South: Shipley Parish To the West: Itchingfield Parish and Broadbridge Heath Parish

  • Southwater Village Hall | Southwater Parish

    Southwater Village Hall About Southwater Village Hall is a registered charity run by volunteers committed to providing its local community with good quality facilities for educational, leisure, and recreational activities at reasonable rates. It is also available for private functions such as children’s parties, christenings, and other occasions. ​ For more information or to make an enquiry on bookings, please visit the Southwater Village Hall website . Location Church Lane Southwater, RH13 9BT

  • Monthly Reports

    Monthly Reports 2023 2024 2021 2022

  • Southwater Infrastructure Delivery Plan | Southwater Parish

    Southwater Infrastructure Delivery Plan Southwater Parish Council are inviting responses to their consultation on the Southwater Infrastructure Delivery Plan. This document will, it is hoped, provide a framework for the prioritisation of improvements to local infrastructure moving forward. Useful Links: Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Background The Parish Council has been preparing the Southwater Infrastructure Delivery Plan (SIDP) for the Parish, it's purpose is to: Identify and assess existing infrastructure within the Parish to identify improvements needed/desirable. Identify gaps in existing infrastructure. Identify potential funding sources for improvements The SIDP will enable the Parish Council to effectively prioritise and progress new/improved infrastructure in collaboration with the community. It is important as Policy SNP23 of the Southwater Neighbourhood Plan requires CIL monies to be spent in accordance with a ‘Southwater Infrastructure Delivery Plan’. It states: ​ ‘Any CIL funds raised by development within the Plan Area and paid to Southwater Parish Council will be used to: a) Support the delivery of projects identified in the ‘Southwater Infrastructure Delivery Plan’, a document maintained by the Parish Council. b) Support any other projects identified as a priority by the Parish Council to address demands that development has placed on the area.’ ​ The document is not intended to be binding, and the projects which monies are spent on will be decided by the Parish Council. ​ The Southwater Neighbourhood Plan also includes a requirement for new development to plan trees, and the SIDP will also seek to identify potential locations where these trees could be planted. ​ Preparing the SIDP can be split into 6 stages. These are: Stage 1 – Identification & Assessment (COMPLETED) Stage 2 – Community Engagement (COMPLETED) Stage 3 – Update Identification & Assessment (COMPLETED) Stage 4 – Prepare SIDP (COMPLETED) Stage 5 – Adopt Stage 6 – Review ​ Stage 1, which is complete, involved Initial community engagement which took place in late 2020. This provided local groups and organisations an opportunity to identify infrastructure that was important to them and place them into a typology category. They were asked to score the infrastructure as being either in good, reasonable, or poor condition. They were also asked to identify any gaps in infrastructure and why they are needed in the parish. Our consultants then mapped the identified infrastructure and assessed them against, providing an initial verdict on which infrastructure is of high priority (requiring immediate action), medium priority (needing future action), or low priority (needing no action prior to the next review). ​ Alongside this, possible sites for tree planting have been identified and how many trees each location could accommodate. This is to aid those proposing development to comply with policy SNP18 of the neighbourhood plan. What is infrastructure & limitations In the context of the SIDP, infrastructure is the facilities that are needed to support the needs of the community, ensuring that those living, working or visiting the SNP area experience a high quality of life. Whilst this can be far reaching there has been an initial focus on local matters that the Parish Council can readily have a meaningful impact on. This report does not therefore address Education (which is the responsibility of West Sussex Country Council) or the road/highway network (which is the responsibility of West Sussex Country Council / National Highways). Community Engagement Is Complete The Community Engagement stage took place from 1st - 31st March 2022. The community was invited to look at the initial work done and were given the opportunity to give their views on whether the SIDP was missing anything and whether you agreed with the priorities identified. Thank you to those who submitted their views. This feedback will be used to update the work done to date and enable the preparation of the SIDP.

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