Your Parish Council

The Parish Council came into being in 1987 upon the demise of the Horsham Rural District Council, due to Local Government re-organisation.
The Parish Council is a Statutory Body, with members elected every four years and is funded through the local precept (council tax). The income and expenditure for the next financial year are calculated in the form of a draft budget. The net amount (the precept) is then added to the council tax, collected by Horsham District Council and paid to the Parish Council in two separate instalments. The Parish Council can apply for other funding such as grants and funding awards, but it does not receive funding direct from central government as, say, the County and District Councils do. The Parish Council currently operates its offices and chamber in Beeson House.
There are three tiers of local government, each with different responsibilities. SPC is considered the first and local tier. Council tax paid by all Southwater residents is collected by HDC. HDC distribute Taxes and Precepts to WSCC, HDC and SPC. SPC receive the Precept from HDC in two 50% payments. The first in April and second in September. The main source of income for SPC is the precept but also receives income from various assets, grants and will look towards new income opportunities that can reduce the total precept requirement.
It should be noted that some assets within the village, whether Public Open Space or Play Areas, may be operated by HDC and some by SPC. Signage is typically found at each site which will indicate which authority but where unsure direct queries to

The Parish Council has a large range of powers and therefore is actively engaged on your behalf on a variety of different activities within the community. A list of the powers and duties available to the Parish Council can be viewed here - Powers and Duties